One week left! How quickly has my time in Monkstown gone?!
I have to say it's been a mixed experience, I've been blessed so much during this year and yet it's been super challenging at the same time. Definitely been tons of trials but I've learned a lot about grace and provision during this time.
I have been personally challenged, my view on things have had to change, not for my sake but for others sake. I have this thing where I can just destroy something for myself completely and shut down everything about it that is good and draw out only the bad, I've done that a few times this year. I've run away from difficult situations because I hate facing the fact that I might be wrong, I've wanted to quit so many times but I haven't and I'm glad I didn't.
Perseverance is another thing, when the going gets rough, persevere. It'll all be worth it in the end, the tears, the emotions, they're all worth it. This longest run isn't the one that's made the most impact though. Romania was the one that has made the most impact. I don't think I could go through life the way I had been now. Seeing the poverty but the gratefulness of having someone to talk to, even if very briefly because of the language barrier, or to crochet with is amazing. You value not just possessions more but time. When you have no TV (in your language), no internet in the house, no central heating and monotonous food, you find joy in other ways. Spending time with people, talking about everything and anything, playing card games, chopping fire wood (mostly the boys!), reading, doing your nails with the other girls, watching the same movie several times (Tangled!) and just enjoying each others presence in the most comfortable way you can imagine, it's great.
Don't get me wrong, Monkstown has been a great experience and I've learned a lot of valuable lessons about real life here but Romania was so different, refreshing actually. Even though difficult at times, my heart longs to go out somewhere again, maybe Romania, maybe Peru or maybe even Thailand. I don't know where I'll end up in summer 2014 but I hope I end up somewhere apart from Northern Ireland!
Sorry it's been a bit over the place but I'm just rambling, congrats if you got this far! :)
Charlotte x
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