Tuesday, 15 January 2013


She's back. She hopes it's for good but she has her doubts. The shadow is chasing her but her bailer sticks by her. The bailer has this book he's written, some call it The Word. On her phone, she gets this book. Opens the app, sees a plan. Prayer sticks out. She looks at the plan. Sees a book, it's named after a man called Matthew. Strange for a book to be given a human name. A specific point in this book talks about this word prayer. It tells her how to do it. The way that will honor her bailer. "It is simple," she thinks to herself. It'll help her. 

She prays. She finds herself in a conversation with her bailer. She feels a fizz in her body, cascading down her spine. This frightens her but a small voice in her head whispers gently, "it's me!" She feels reassured and continues to talk to her bailer. 

As she continues in every day life, she has hurdles to jump over. The bailer lets her jump them but is quick to pick her up when she stumbles and falls on one. These hurdles, they aren't normal. They're black and red. Not only do they look dark but they have an uneasy feel about them. The shadow lingers around the hurdles, waiting for her to stumble. It'll consume her again if she can't get up. She's persevering. Running the race. The bailer carries her when she gets tired or if she falls. Only if she lets him.

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