Jesus is a man we often look at as peaceful and graceful, loving and gentle. While he is all these things, above all, he is passionate. Jesus got angry, he got upset, the famous verse, "Jesus wept." John 11:35. He cared so deeply for Lazarus that he wept for him! I don't think any word can describe Jesus better than passionate.
The side some churches don't like to look into is the side where Jesus got angry. Yes, that's right Jesus got angry. For all the right reasons though. In Mark 3:1-6 Jesus heals a man with a crippled hand on the Sabbath. Now, Pharisees being Pharisees were just looking to try and say Jesus was just wrong. People gathered around Jesus watching Him do miracles and teaching, on this particular day, He gets the view of the people, "'What kind of action suits the Sabbath best? Doing good or doing evil? Helping people or leaving them helpless?' No one said a word." vs:4. The people said nothing, I see this as them being shocked or confused. But it says to rest on the Sabbath, certainly Jesus cannot heal someone on the Sabbath, then again it would be wrong to leave the man helpless! In verse 5 it says, "He looked them in the eye, one after another, angry now, furious at their hard-nosed religion." Jesus was angry. Furious. After this the Pharisees cleared off because they were pretty angry at Jesus going against religion. Jesus clearly doesn't like religion. Jesus showed religion up!
Another instance when Jesus got angry was when He found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, He also finds loan sharks there too (John 2:14 MSG). Jesus made a whip (pretty bad ass if you ask me) and chased them out of the temple, upending tables of the loan sharks! Jesus was passionate. Imagine this scene now, in the 21st century. People selling phones and payday loan people in a church, then Jesus walks in, sees this and makes a whip and starts turning over tables, making a whole scene in the church. If you witnessed this what would you think of Jesus? Because some churches don't teach this side of Jesus most people would be like, "certainly this can't be right for Jesus to be doing, he should be peaceful and calm!" It's just the way we've been taught. What we've been brought up with.
How do you see Jesus? Is it the full picture or just this image that's been created for you? Can you say you know Jesus and are in a relationship with Him if you don't know the full spectrum of His personality?
It's a thinker.
Charlotte x
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